Thursday 12 November 2015


Analyzing Photographs

Examine the Photograph/Picture. Use the questions below to help you decode the message of the photograph. Be specific and include as many details as possible in your answers. It is important to reference aspects directly from the photograph when answering your questions whenever possible. 

Initial Reading: What can an initial look reveal?

1.      Glance at the picture. What is your first ‘gut’ response?

2.      Consider your background knowledge. What do you already know about the context of the picture – the time, place, situation, etc.? (list key facts)

Closer Look: How do the pictures techniques help to present the message?

3.      Find labels. How do the words, numbers, etc. in the drawing express ideas or identify people or objects? What message do the labels send? (use the information provided about the picture in the words below the picture as well)

4.      Notice the people in the picture. How do their facial expressions (exaggerated, oversimplified, emotional features of the figures) add to the effect of the picture? What message does this send to the reader?

5.      Identify the symbols (clothing, religious, cultural, etc.). What do these signs or images represent? Is there a lack of symbols in the picture, why? How does this add to the message of the picture?

Draw Conclusions: What overall impression can you draw?

6.      Identify possible biases. Whose perspective or point of view is expressed in the Photograph?

7.      Explain the overall message of the photograph. A good interpretation is specific and detailed.